First though I'd like to share some new articles!
Managing New Nuclear – what’s new?
Mind the (nuclear skills) gap
These posts confirm for me some suspicions I've long had about the nuclear industry - an impending skills gap, the requirement for non-UK investment and an industry-academia separation. Although I don't agree with everything these authors have written (perhaps an insight into my inner-scepticism) the overall impression from both is one of panicked enthusiasm.
I'd love to know what you think, post a comment below, or tweet us.
Mark Williams
Term Insurance 51p · 297 weeks ago
Elizabeth · 499 weeks ago
Nuc_Hitch 2p · 499 weeks ago
A decentralised energy sector lacks the foresight to invest in long term projects, which may take 10+ years to show returns on investment. This, in my view, is why we haven't seen any new nuclear plants in the last 20 years, and I think until that changes we are unlikely to see anywhere near our previous growth. Sure, foreign investor owned nuclear power stations will be necessary. But it doesn't provide the same security, as in employment and wholesale cost, that a state owned facility can.
New nuclear is a really interesting topic, and we have a lot of expertise in the U.K. regarding new nuclear design, I'd really like it to be a topic of some future discussion at the blog.
Not so inward now...
endemaj · 183 weeks ago
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Tom · 499 weeks ago
Although investors require freedoms within the market place to choose which design they believe will provide the greatest return, ultimately it is the UK government who will be responsible for the regulation of both operations and final clean up of the proposed reactors. A responsibility that would be eased both logistically and financially if the potential rector designs were limited and greater efforts made to standardise the industry.
Nuc_Hitch 2p · 499 weeks ago